
Hi, I 'm Syed Shahmir Sultan

A Full-Stack Web Developer

About Me

Syed Shahmir Sultan Image

I am a 17 years old High School 3rd year student who is passionate about Programming and AI.

Technologies I work with:

Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS

Backend : Node.js, FastAPI, Python

Databases : Postgresql, Drizzle ORM, SQLModel

Tools & Services : Stripe, Sanity, Poetry, Kinde Auth

Libraries : Shadcn UI , Daisy UI

I am committed to continuously learning and integrating the latest technologies into my projects. This approach not only enhances my work but also deepens my expertise in cutting-edge development tools.



  • Web Development Intern @ CodersCave

    June 2024 - July 2024 || Remote

    This was a 1 month remote internship program at CodersCave, during which I successfully developed and delivered a Blog Website and a Portfolio Website.

  • Full-Stack Web Development Intern @ Growintern

    July 2024 - August 2024 || Remote

    I am currently participating in a 1 month remote internship offered by Growintern, where I am developing a Full-Stack Ecommerce Website and a Social App Website with user chat functionality.

  • Software Engineering Fellow @ Headstarter AI

    July 2024 - September 2024 || Remote

    This is a 7-week remote fellowship program during which we have to complete tasks on a weekly basis. Our final project is to create a product where we aim to achieve one of the following: get 1000 people on a waitlist, create 1000 accounts, or generate $1000 in revenue.


Contact Me

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Social Links